You have everything you need right this moment….

Elizabeth Gilbert reminded me of something so vital to the health of any dream during her latest podcast.  She said that we are not chasing our dreams.  Our dreams are chasing us.  This is so wise and as I relate it to my own walk with God, I believe God doesn’t put out the flames that burn inside of us when it is what makes up our divine design.

The Internal Flames!

Something is burning inside of you for a reason.  You were meant to step out to share and build whatever it is that continues to call your name at the best times and at the not so great times.  BUT what do we generally seem to do when the flames get hotter and hotter?  We tend to extinguish them with excuses and justifications that seem to make perfect sense.  They are all lies.  These lies will put out your flames and that is the last thing you want to do.

How do you extinguish your flames?

You create a story in your head and it goes something like this:

“I would love to do that one day in the future.  Right now is just not the right time because I do not have the space, money, resources, or even enough education or knowledge at this point in my life.  But, I will put it on my vision board and see what happens.”

Come on, sister!  You have been preparing your entire life for what God has created just for you.  If you are having trouble believing in your abilities then tune into your own channel right now by doing the following:

  • Revisit your flames and add fuel!  I am talking crazy awesome amounts of fuel to your fire.  Find the highest octane and pour, pour, and pour. What is your dream?  Write it down.
  • Meditate & Pray! Visualize your dream in motion today.  Meditate on how this makes you feel and pray for clarity, confirmation, and peace, as you start to step towards your divine purpose.
  • Brag! Brag! Brag! Take a few moments and brag about yourself, to yourself.  Write it down, get in front of a mirror, record your voice, or make a video!  Heck, find any way to brag and love on yourself!
  • No Secrets! Share your dream with a trusted soulmate or soul sister.  Allow someone close to you “in” who will support you, dream with you, encourage you, and hold you accountable to the path you were designed to blossom on!

Let’s conclude with this, my friend.  You have everything you need right in this very moment whether you are currently on cloud 9 or currently down in the dumps to begin to walk towards your destiny.  Your dream will not leave you alone until you make your dream HAPPEN!

PS:  By the way, I am here for you!   I am taking a slight break from organizational coaching and getting back to one to one coaching & group coaching, sister!   If you have a coaching need, let’s talk.  It is time to stop pushing your needs aside.

