Hey friends,


When facing your own life’s transitions it can be scary. Whether you initiated a transition or not, transitions can leave us feeling like we are in a holding cell. It is important to move with power, faith, and personal vision when facing a time of change in our lives. You know, I have always lived as a mover and a shaker in my life and I did not think twice about most decisions. However, after I made a decision that represented a change in my life, I seem to undoubtedly find myself perplexed, even when the change was fabulous! Why was I still feeling stuck? Why was I not satisfied?


I did not realize that transitions in my life represented endings. Transitions are a sign of letting go of what used to be and accepting what is currently. Life can be difficult, painful and downright confusing. Making sense of what is taking place in life is not entirely simple. In fact, it is a process, which leads me to this great point.


William Bridges, in Transitions: Making Sense of Life’s Changes, identifies three distinctive stages of transitional periods within an individual’s life. He equates the periods as fall, winter and spring. I would have never imagined that a transitional period in my life, especially great transitions (for an example, starting a business, leaving behind an old career path, relocating, etc) would mean that I would face seasonal feelings about my transition. It would make sense that the painful times in my life (for an example, losing my mother, losing a business, death of my career identity, facing cancer at a young age, etc) would warrant seasonal healing time. However, I never imagined that ALL transitional phases represent a period of coping and ending.


I decided to take up a special focus in my practice centering on life’s transitions. Women should know how to powerfully adopt, own, declare, and utilize prevailing coping strategies when making “sense” of their life’s transitions good or not so good. You see, to me it doesn’t make sense to “wait” until you are in “transition,” to identify practices that will help you “put in order” a plan to prevail and persevere successfully. Instead, understanding what transitions look like, feel like, and how to welcome them, learn from them, and grow instead of staying stuck, allows you to protect yourself and all that you love. In times of pain, self-care can be the last thing on a woman’s list. Yet, it is essential as not to open the possibility of illness when immune systems are down, because of stressful outcomes.


I created a system that moves beyond traditional methodologies of just “surviving” during life’s transitions that help women (no matter what they are facing: career change, career confusion, marriage, new baby, divorce, relocation, illness, loss, self-worth, purpose, etc) towards thriving. I giggle, because I call it an internal “Thrival Kit.” I believe, when you are just in “survival” mode, you are not at your best and you could be jeopardizing more loss from a different aspect in your life…and what a mess to have to deal with on top of what you are ALREADY dealing with in life! I have seen my share of painful and confusing times in my life and now I am able to depend on my internal compass, instinct, and internal thrival kit to push through life’s most challenging times.


Do not stay immovable in life when taking action is the best thing for you and the life you want to create! To find out more about my Tearless Transition Private Coaching program, please complete the contact form from my website.



